nightwares mini logoA brief introduction to Director

5. Stage Right?

Along with Stage size, setting the location can make a difference in how efficiently you're able to work, especially if you have only one monitor.

Director 8.5 Shockwave Studio: A Beginner's Guide

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This is also the time to alter the location of your Stage on the screen, setting it to a place where you have room to work on it and to have several other windows open as well. (In general the default location for the Stage is dead-center in your main monitor, but this keeps you from being able to have enough windows open to do effective development.)

Make sure that your Stage is not set right along the top of your Mac monitor. This is because the Mac's menu bar will overcut the Stage by 20 pixels.

In general I set the Stage location to be about 25 pixels down from the top of the monitor; this ensures that I'm clear of all menu bars, and it allows a reasonable space on the Windows side too, when I port.

But there's a catch to this as well -- if your program does in fact run on a Mac with a very small monitor, that 20-pixel space at the top of your Stage will still be cut off by the user's menu bar. Therefore, try to remember that, when you use menus, you should leave the top 20 pixels on the Stage more or less unpopulated by animation if you're targeting very small-monitor systems, anything 640-by or below.

This would be a good region in which to put a title bar of some kind, something which stretches across the screen and which can be covered by a menu bar without anything important being lost.

For this program, that's not necessary. But it's a good thing to keep in mind.

1. Introduction

2. Definition of Objectives

3. Specific Objectives

4. Stage Size

5. Stage Location

6. Setting the Stage's Color

7. Beginning to Enter Script

8. A bit More About the StartMovie() Handler

9. Entering Another Handler

10. A Break-down of the CheckColor() Handler

11. A Quick Test

12. Adding Text to the Stage

13. Preparing to Enter a Frame Script

14. Entering the Frame Script

15. Adding a Quit Button

16. The Progress so Far

17. Preparing to Add a Menu

18. Discussion of Menu Requirements

19. Preparing the Menu Storage Member

20. Entering Menu Functions for Macintosh

21. Entering Menu Functions for Windows

22. Efficientlly Handling Multiple Menus

23. Preparing to Insert the Menus Onscreen

24. Adding the Menu Installation Handler

25. Discussion of the Menu Installation Handler

26. Adding Code for an About Box

27. Review of the Scripts

28. Creating a Projector and Running it