nightwares logo nightwares LLC 2005: custom software

whether you want to produce a media package that leaves the others' PowerPoint presentations in the dust, branded utility or entertainment programs to give to customers as premiums, or software to make your business day more productive, nightwares LLC has the background required to get the job done right.

if you would like to have an example of a premium program, feel free to download nachtmusik, an MP3 music player for Windows or Macintosh OSX (2.5 MB), along with some music (50 MB) to get you started. It's our gift to you for exploring this site.
nightwares LLC presentation screen
or download the nightwares LLC 2005 presentation program for Windows or Macintosh OSX (62 MB).

finally, if you're in a contemplative mood, check out Umdze, a meditation timing program.

Childreach International logo
Nonprofit, non-denominational and international. If you have more than you need, share it with a child through Childreach, a part oif Plan International. business advertising
campaign awareness
website programming
custom software